What does Nanoscolo do:
We help companies to improve products and processes, and solve problems that are related to surfaces, interfaces and small particles. We focus on the physical chemistry and physics and provide measurements of particle size distributions, surface morphology , surface mechanical analysis, charge density, surface tension and energy, sedimentation and creaming velocity, wetting, and much more.
Application fields are coatings, fouling, texture of food products, composites, adhesion, surfactants, emulsions and dispersions, foam, formulation, and much more. Nano stands for the nanometer length scale that we can study hot, cold, or at ambient conditions, dry or immersed.
Sometimes our service is limited to providing the data from a measurement. Often we help and share our tools and expertise with our customers. Our force is our unique expertise in industrial research and we can provide the power that was built at multinationals to you. The Scolo / school part of our name stands for our ambition to share our knowledge with our customers.
Surfaces and interfaces are very often the part of a problem or technology that is not understood. Our help can provide you with this understanding and the related IP is yours whereas we respect confidentiality.
Miguel Boutelje; Chemical engineer who learned about colloidal dispersions at Philips where he travelled around the globe to solve coating problems at cathode ray tube production sites… The old televisions. Numerous other assignments related to the application of coatings, dispersions or the synthesis of nanoparticles make him one of the most experienced pragmatic problem solvers. At the Brightlands site he worked for DSM, Kriya materials and Ioniqa. miguel.boutelje@nanoscolo.com
Leon Bremer; Scientist and inventor with 30 patents and peer reviewed papers in the field of colloids, coatings and functional particles. 30 year industrial experience at DSM in applications ranging from the improvement of yoghurt texture to liquid lenses for ASML’s immersion lithography machines. He takes over the equipment of DSM for particle size measurements, surface or interface characterization and dispersion rheology. leon.bremer@nanoscolo.com
Mingwen Tian: Material Scientist and top-expert in the field of scanning probe microscopy with a rich experience and knowledge of the different operation modes. He scanned the surface of materials such as (in)organic thin films, semi-conductors, composites, and (bio)polymers. He takes over the atomic force microscopes of DSM equipped with various tools that enable measurements at controlled humidity, temperature, and on immersed samples. Impossible to see what is really at a surface… but it is possible to feel it! mingwen.tian@nanoscolo.com
Jun Qiu; Guest Scientist, business developer and inventor.
New developments 2024 - 2025
At Nanoscolo we share our time between our regular business, helping our customers with their projects, and the development of our in-house expertise that is needed for the customers and maybe broader society. A major expertise development project is in the field of using probes to measure properties of soft materials. We develop the "SuperDuck" technology in which we use a series of cylindrical probes of different diameter to learn about the bulk and surface properties of fluids and soft matter.
In-house developments; SuperDuck
In-house development;